DeafBlind Community of Texas Presents:
Spring Camp Jr 2024!
When: April 12 - 14, 2024
Variety's Peaceable Kingdom Retreat Center
19051 FM 2484
Killeen, TX
Who can attend?
- 14 - 22 years of age AND still in high school or post-secondary school
- DeafBlind
- Able to make independent decisions
- Have open TWC case
- Co-Navigators and SSPs with experience or interest working with youth
Why attend DBCTX?
- Barrier-free and accessible
- Networking & making new friends
- Unforgettable bonds and experiences
- Prepares teens for the transition to adult life
- Making memories!
Volunteer Info:
Volunteers needed to work with DeafBlind Youth and Staff.
There will be NO training associated with this event. Volunteers should come with basic knowledge of working with DeafBlind individuals.
DeafBlind Community of Texas is providing this training as an opportunity for safe, respectful learning and will not permit harassment, discrimination or horizontal violence based on another's comments, questions, schema, race, color, religion, hearing status, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or any other protected class.